My funny Valentine

 Canción del musical Babes in Arms de 1937 de Richard Rodgers y Lorenz Hart , que incluia canciones como " where or when", " The Lady Is a Tramp ",


My funny valentine, sweet comic valentine

You make me smile with my heart

Your looks are laughable, un-photographable

Yet, you're my favorite work of art

Is your figure less than Greek?

Is your mouth a little weak?

When you open it to speak

Are you smart?

But, don't change a hair for me

Not if you care for me

Stay little valentine, stay

Each day is Valentine's Day

Is your figure less than Greek?

Is your mouth a little weak?

When you open it to speak

Are you smart?

But, don't change a hair for me

Not if you care for me

Stay little valentine, stay

Each day is Valentine's Day


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