I loves you Porgy, de Gershwin


Duo de la ópera Porgy and Bess de 1935 con música de George Gershwin y letra de Ira Gershwin . Aqui en la versión instrumental de Keith Jarrett.

A continuación, versión vocal de Nina Simone de 1957


I love you, PorgyDon't let him take meDon't let him handle me and drive me madIf you can keep me, I wanna stay hereWith you forever and I'll be glad
Yes, I love you, PorgyDon't let him take meDon't let him handle me with his hot handsIf you can keep me, I want to stay hereWith you forever, I've got my man
I love you, PorgyDon't let him take meDon't let him handle me and drive me madIf you can keep me, I wanna stay hereWith you forever, I've got my man
Someday I know he's coming to call meHe's going to handle me and hold meSo, it's going to be like dying, PorgyWhen he calls meBut when he comes I know, I'll have to go
I love you, PorgyDon't let him take meHoney, don't let him handle me and drive me madIf you can keep me, I wanna stay hereWith you forever, I've got my man


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